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London Marathon Race Director makes an appearance at Newport

London Marathon Race Director, Hugh Brasher, made an appearance at the ABP Newport Marathon Festival on Sunday 28 April.

Hugh was out among the masses, looking at what goes on behind the scenes as well as going out on the half marathon course – the exciting new addition to the event.

He came as part of the partnership between Run 4 Wales and London Marathon Events, which was announced last year.

The partnership was set up to bring together the leading mass-participation events organisations in England and Wales, which not only deliver the most iconic running events in their respective countries, but also share a common social agenda with an emphasis on inspiring running and activity for adults and children.

Like Run 4 Wales, profits made from London Marathon Events are donated to its parent charity to invest in grassroots sports and community projects to inspire people to get active.

This was evident at this year’s ABP Newport Marathon Festival with the introduction of the Newport 100 Club – whereby 100 free spaces to the Half Marathon and 10K were gifted to residents and groups within the community as a means to improve their health and wellbeing.

Matt Newman, Chief Executive of Run 4 Wales, said: “It was great to welcome Hugh to our new-look ABP Newport Marathon Festival as we continue to build our relationship and exciting partnership with London Marathon Events. We’re looking forward to what the future holds as we continue to grow and develop mass-participation sporting events and our social impact in Wales.”

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